Monday, November 17, 2014

Cracked Tooth Syndrome & Treatment

You feel searing tooth pain while chewing certain foods and experience hot and cold temperature sensitivity. Dental x-rays show that you are cavity-free, yet the discomfort persists. Unfortunately, it may not just be sensitive teeth – you could be experiencing the symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome. Did you know the tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body? In fact, it’s harder than your bones! Though teeth are built to last, they are still susceptible to cracks and fractures.

What is Cracked Tooth Syndrome? Cracked tooth syndrome is a condition in which a tooth is cracked, yet remains intact. Cracks may be small and minute or large and visible. They may occur along the crown of the tooth near the cusp or deep beneath the gum line. All cracks, big and small, should be considered serious and require endodontic evaluation.

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