Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Microscopic root canal treatment, performed by our specialists, uses a magnification of 25x to see details that are impossible to see with the naked eye. Root canal treatment is in a very small area of the tooth and requires expert precision to properly clean the canals.  Without the use of the microscope it is easy to damage the tooth by removing excess amount of tooth structure or improperly cleaning the root canals. It is also impossible to see a crack in the root without a microscope, if you are unable to see the crack, you will be unaware that the root canal treatment will fail in the future. 
root canal opening The use of a microscope with a trained root canal specialist can lead to finding roots that would otherwise go unseen and untreated, leading to a root canal retreatment later on. Research shows the use of the microscope in root canal treatment has increased the chance of a successful treatment up to 50%. Microscopic root canal treatments have consistently resulted in better outcome there is a simple reason, it is very hard to clean an opening as small as 0.1mm without seeing it.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Root Canal Treatment by an Endodontist is easy!

We know that Root Canals have a bad reputation and we are changing that reputation here at Irvine Endodontics. We know that people do not want to spend their day in dentist office getting root canal treatment and here we are making root canals an easy process. 

Check out our reviews on yelp and read for yourself how easy it is to get a root canal done! 

A Root Canal does not cause pain it RELIEVES pain. The most pain that a patient has is the tooth pain leading up to needing the root canal. One of the main reasons why people would have pain during a root canal is when the general dentist can no find the canals, it takes them too long, the anesthetic is not strong enough and the stress is too high for the patient and the dentist. 
Most people say that it is as easy or easier than getting a small filling done! 
Our endodontic specialist are amazing at root canal treatment, this is what they do all day every day. We make sure you are completely relaxed and comfortable before starting treatment. We offer a comfort menu that includes head phones with music, a blanket and a pillow. We offer special aroma therapy patches that help you feel more relaxed if you are a little nervous. You are in control of the appointment, when you are relaxed then it makes everything much easier and less pain. 
Next we make sure you are VERY NUMB, and do not feel anything. We will test the tooth before we work on it to make sure it is numb. Remember you are in control of the appointment, so if you feel any pain at all make sure you tell us, we will give you more anesthetic. By the end of your appointment you will be wondering why you were afraid to come in the first place. 
Again Root Canals do not cause pain they relieve pain. 

Monday, January 12, 2015


An abscess is a painful infection near the tooth root that often causes tooth pain and gum inflammation. Infections may form for a number of reasons, including severe decay, gum disease, or because of a broken tooth. An infection can lead to an abscess when a person fails to seek treatment or when a prior root canal fails.

An abscessed tooth can produce one or many of the following symptoms:
  • Pain when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages
  • Pain when chewing
  • Swollen gums
  • Swollen cheeks
  • Fistula (a pimple-like formation on the gums)
It is important to see an endodontist for a potential tooth infection even if pain and other symptoms subside. Infections will only continue to spread over time – potentially outside of the tooth root and into the gum tissues as well.
Tooth Abscess Treatment
A tooth abscess is usually treated by an endodontist, who will perform a Root Canal Procedure to drain the tooth and remove diseased root tissue. Not only can root canal treatment save an abscessed tooth and alleviate pain, but the tooth can continue to function like any other natural tooth after being restored.
Get Help for an Abscessed Tooth
If you have one or more of these symptoms, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with your Irvine endodontist as soon as possible. We can diagnose and treat tooth abscesses, alleviating pain and potentially saving your tooth. We invite you to contact our office for more information about abscessed tooth treatment and whether it’s right for you.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Irvine Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Procedures are necessary when the the soft tissue inside the root canal, becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes and symptoms.

 Every tooth consists of three different layers. From the outside, first there is Enamel (the outer layer of the teeth which is the hardest part of the body). The second layer is Dentin (the inside hard layer) and then we have the Pulp (which is an empty space where the live tissue and nerve of each tooth is located).
If for any reason the pulp space is exposed to the outside, the tissue becomes contaminated and eventually infected. The exposure of pulp happens in many circumstances for example when you have a large cavity, or a fractured tooth. Your dentist can explain the exact reason for damage to this tissue. Regardless of the reason for this contamination or damage to pulp tissue, the treatment is usually Root canal treatment.
Irvine Root canal treatment is the process of going inside the pulp space and removing the infected and dead tissue. A Root Canal Specialist uses an Endodontic Microscope to see the roots inside the tooth. This reassures that all canals are found and cleaned properly.

 Our Specialists clean the canals using the Latest Technology in Endodontics, including brand new files and top of the line equipment. We provide you with an extra special comfort menu to ensure you feel calm and absolutely no pain throughout the treatment process.  

Then the space is disinfected and sealed with special materials. When you leave our office you will have a temporary filling in the tooth. When the root canal treatment is done your restorative dentist will usually place a crown on you tooth to protect it against fracture.

Learn more about root canals at American Association of Endodontics

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Modern, Clean, and Equip Endodontic Practice In Orange County

To Schedule an appointment call 949-622-0055 

Our Endodontic practice is dedicated to treating patients who need root canals, root canal re-treatments, and apico surgeries. Our practice is conveniently located in Irvine between Jamboree and Van Karmon, on Alton Parkway and is accessible from the 5 and 405 freeways. 

We offer a comfort menu for you to feel as at ease and make this appointment as easy as possible. We give each of our new patients a gift filled with something very special from our doctors. 

We follow a strict and modern sterilization protocol which fully utilizes state of the art equipment and sterilization techniques. Our sterilization system surpasses OSHA requirements. Unlike most dental offices who use tap water, our office exclusively uses distilled (purified) water in our dental units which removes any chance of contamination

We have a state of the art dental technology including digital x-rays, intraoral camera, and endodontic microscopes in each Operatory. These allow the doctor to see the canals of the tooth that a general dentist can not see to the naked eye. This makes the treatment time much faster and the whole process fast, easy and comfortable. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Cracked Tooth Syndrome & Treatment

You feel searing tooth pain while chewing certain foods and experience hot and cold temperature sensitivity. Dental x-rays show that you are cavity-free, yet the discomfort persists. Unfortunately, it may not just be sensitive teeth – you could be experiencing the symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome. Did you know the tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body? In fact, it’s harder than your bones! Though teeth are built to last, they are still susceptible to cracks and fractures.

What is Cracked Tooth Syndrome? Cracked tooth syndrome is a condition in which a tooth is cracked, yet remains intact. Cracks may be small and minute or large and visible. They may occur along the crown of the tooth near the cusp or deep beneath the gum line. All cracks, big and small, should be considered serious and require endodontic evaluation.

 Learn more at

Friday, October 31, 2014

Dr. Fay Mansouri and staff have just returned from Atlanta Georgia for continuing education! We had such a great time and can not wait to apply what we learned into the office.

We have enjoyed taking care of our patients so much and have started to video our patient testimonials! The best compliment that we can receive is to hear about a great experience at Irvine Endodontics.

Our Root Canal Specialist Dr. Jason Cho had the opportunity to work with an awesome patient that was willing to record his testimonial! Thank you so much!

If you need an awesome root canal specialist to get you out of pain and make sure that the procedure is comfortable, and painless, be sure to give us a call! 949-622-0055