Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Why Microscopes are important for Root Canal Treatment.

We use a microscope on every treatment that we do in the office. These help us to treat the patient with the best quality of care possible. This enables our doctors to work faster, and that means less time for the patients in the chair!
Dr. Jason Cho Working With the Microscope. 
The root canal procedure takes place in a very small area of the tooth and requires expert precision to effectively navigate the roots and canals. Some teeth may have more roots and canals than expected — missed canals can mean unresolved infections, which may eventually require another endodontic procedure, or even removal of the tooth.
The use of advanced microscopy technology by a trained root canal specialist can help make your root canal treatment successful, allowing you to keep your natural tooth for a lifetime! 
Call us at 949-622-0055